The Stuck Stops Here
I am on a healing journey, breaking cycles of toxic family patterns of mental, verbal, and emotional abuse that have plagued my family for generations. My children deserved better than what I got so I embarked on a path of healing, addressing the internal pain caused by the rage, fear, guilt, shame, rejection, manipulation, and neglect that I was raised with. This quest for authenticity and peace is an endless journey of discovery and recovery with no finish line. I hope my story, truth, humor and mistakes inspire others and that is why I am sharing my story.
Tammy Sue

Tammy Sue
My story only matters if it resonates with you and empowers you to begin and commit to a healing journey. Most of my life and my bad decisions was polluted with and controlled by fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, and fear of failure. I was an achievement junkie, busyness addict and a people pleaser and plagued by constant guilt, irrational anger, anxiety, and depression. It would take years to identify all the negative ways that unhealed trauma manifested itself in my twisted perspective, poor judgment and over-reactions. Bluntly put - I was a high-functioning clusterfuck. I appeared "normal". In reality I was broken. After hitting rock bottom 8 years ago, I wrote a book, started this podcast and co-produced some songs. I want to share my journey with the world and be the resource I needed for other cycle-breakers that I needed during my darkest moments.